Wednesday, March 20, 2013

We are all made of stars

So, last night I read the following passage in Imogen Binnie's debut novel Nevada, available for preorder from Topside Press:
She can't think of anything else to write, though, and after four and a half words her hand is starting to cramp. She can type all night, but with a pen, not so much. Maybe she should keep a haiku journal, in a non-appropriative way.
I mean, I'm sure plenty of people have done or just thought of similar projects to this one, but not all of them are the punk-rock transwoman protagonist of a thrilling new novel by a legitimate rockstar whom I have met in person. It made me feel pretty smart.

In fact, it made me feel tuned in and connected in a way that has been more and more present for me. Moments like reading that passage have happened to me so regularly lately that the cumulative effect feels like waking from death or falling in love.

Or going off my meds. But less scary.

Haiku for March 19, 2013

Felt that spark again
This is what I call magic

And yes, I am worried that this blog is appropriative.

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