Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Calgon, briefly restore my energy a little!

I've been really tired lately. I can think of several possible reasons. (Seasonal change migraines the medication for the migraines trouble sleeping hormone changes playing a rock show on a week night stress at work Lyme disease probably not but my therapist suggested it might be possible Mercury in retrograde just kidding.)

Tonight I came home from dinner with friends and did not feel like I could do anything but lie down with my eyes closed and the radio on. But I also felt kind of dirty. So I thought I could lie down with my eyes closed in hot water and at least accomplish something before bedtime.

And surprisingly, the bath refreshed me somewhat. Not enough to go back out on the town or anything, but I'm here, ain't I? This confirms for me how much of my recent exhaustion is stress related. Forcing my body to calm down perked me up rather than putting me to sleep. (Also my local radio station just started playing really cute indie pop.)

Poem for still being tired, though

I just learned a thing.
Do I really have to write
A poem now, too?

Even action figures gotta take time for self care.
Now the DJs are talking about the Supreme Court and gay marriage. Zzzzzzzzzzz..........

1 comment:

  1. Update:

    It's the migraine meds.
    They don't call it "dope-amax"
    For nothing, you know?


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