Friday, May 17, 2013

Touch-a touch me

I am realizing lately how important physical contact is for my well-being. I am realizing this because I am experiencing it a lot less than I used to, and when I do I really notice the shift.

A couple nights ago, I showed up to a group gathering in tears and was enveloped in a hug several bodies deep. It turned my night completely around.

And today, after doing some breathing exercises in a yoga class, I complained that I felt "floaty," like I was disconnected from the earth, and it was scary. I was starting to panic. The instructor placed his hands on the tops of my feet, pressing them onto the floor. He then held my ankles, rooting me to the spot where I stood. It was incredible how effective that was.

I've never been the touchy type. I'm not opposed to hugs, but I don't often initiate them. So I really don't know how to negotiate touch in my life right now.

Haiku for single introverts

Skin is an organ
The functions of which include
Human connection

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